Photo Retouching Service

imageAre you are looking to retouch that "almost" perfect photograph, restore that stained, scratched, water damaged, moldy, faded or old torn photo - our digital photo restoration services are here to help you preserve these images for generations to come.

With our many photo retouching services, we can colorize a B&W image, add, change or remove a background or object, repair that old faded picture, or enhance the image and make it the way it was meant to be.

Adding an artistic flair to a photograph is something we really enjoy.







Photography Training


So you have a new camera and you get frustrated because you have no idea how to use it. Well I can help and it doesn't matter if its a point and shoot or a DSLR.

I offer hands on, practical experience on how to use your new camera. This is a one on one experience and all the focus is on what you want to learn. We can meet on your busy schedule and you will be amazed at how your photography will improve.


Photoshop Training

Product photographyPhotoshop is the digital darkroom. Anyone who has ever opened photoshop is quicky overwhelmed at the choices it can offer.

I offer a simple hands on approach to teaching you how to get the most out of your images..


Product Photography

Product photographyIt's no secret that great product photography increases sales and lends professionalism and credibility to products and the people selling them. Many of my clients come back to tell me how excited they are about the way great product photography has transformed their website or catalog and added a new level of quality.